javascript Logo
css3 Logo

The entire code for the site you're on, Originally written in React, but ported over to SvelteKit.

php Logo
css3 Logo
javascript Logo

A shoutbox application, with a nice ol' stolen login page. Used to be my biggest project, now look at me.

Github Logo


python Logo
php Logo
css3 Logo

A easy-to-use Scraper and Web UI for the game Untrusted. This took a long time, and I'm really happy with the result.

Github Logo

Youtube Downloader

python Logo

A python youtube downloader, allowing for downloads of up to 1440p, and with options to include audio and thumbnails, which oddly a lot of projects do not.

Github Logo


python Logo
rust/red Logo

A startup python script, along with a rust version, that I personally use every time I launch my computer. It has its quirks, but it works well for me.

Github Logo